The school is a pretty hectic place to try and work these days. there is a busy vibe tending to stress, as people are trying to gather the last money needed to carry out their projects. it is so nice to see people burn for their projects and ideas, and it is a great inspiration to us. we have, none the less, more or less locked ourselves up in the office to try and focus on the project we are going to do.
We think we have succeded very well in keeping focus. We started the day out by doing a brainstorm on what a meeting really is, seems simple, but it raised a lot of questions, like why are people more happy and open talking in the kitchen than in the meeting room, eventhough the people are the same. what impact does the psycological factor of seriousness have on people attending meetings, and how can we, through environment changes aid that? and so on...
This has as said raised a lot of quistions but made us as a team get in the same direction and keep the focus area.
Furthermore, we have set up the first couple of meetings to gather inspiration and also, on monday we are going to have the first meeting with our partner, holmris office, to ask questions to employees, designers and of cause the owner of the company himself. We have started to develop different ways of getting the answers out of them without them just saying whats in the script. This is something we will work into depth with during the day tommorrow as well
We have also strenghtened the project plan, and have a solution on the money part, which is very nice and very relieveing.
As we are not the least envious that people are going around the world to see strange places like the brasilian jungle.. we have desided to design our own recreation jungle, right here in mejlgade. we have, as you can see, apple-trees and bananas....

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