The day started out with Jakob being ON TIME completly alone on school.... To begin with he got a text from anders who,because of praying, didn´t catch his bus. when Anders Arrived, only 15 minuttes late, a new text popped in to the inbox of Anders and Jakob. This time it was our pride and joy, mr. Stoltze. At 5 o'clock in the morning, he made a decision to lock his foot in a purse which lay on the floor of his very own doorway. the footlocking made the man fly through the air, doing a half salto, ending up in a facisal-slam into the wall. bitter sweet! from all the "acting like Steven seagaling, christian had his very own personal black-out. needless to say that the man stayed in bed today.

the two long lost and remaining persons, Ipland and Graae, made history, by being the two most well organized guys on the planet today.
We have restructured the entire project, made som add ons through fase brainstorms, more gates and put it all into the calender. Right now it is a really nice feeling to know what to do when.. that is.. if nothing changes, as it, in this KP world, might very well do.
to end todays blog, we have some more pictures for you guys!
we think a lot about you! and we really hope everything is phantastic!

1 kommentar:
come om guys - update!
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